Open School Admission
Open School |
Parents enlist their wards into Schools with so many hopes
that their son or daughter will become a learned person, to come up in life.
Students also study in Schools with many dreams about their future life. Dr.
Seuss advises Students saying, “The more that you read, the more things you
shall know, the more you learn, the more places you will go.”
A learned person can enjoy unlimited opportunities in life
to make it a happy one and respected by all, parents, relatives, and friends
included. They can win any situation using their knowledge, learned by studies.
Yet the learning can begin only after they cross the very first milestone – the
Secondary School Leaving Course – namely 10th Standard.
Many Students suffer from dejection, when they are unable to
reach this particular milestone, for various reasons. They might be compelled
to drop out of school; or unsuccessful in lower classes, which prevents them
from studying in 10th Standard.
However, they need not fall into utter gloom now, since
there are many ways open for them in our present Educational System, for High
School Students.
Open School Admission is this another hope.
Open school 10th Admission means the Student, irrespective of
his previous unsuccessful attempts, or inability to continue schooling can get
admitted directly to 10th Standard – courtesy by Open School 10th Admission.
Open school 10th admission |
The Government of India is keen on ensuring that no student
is left without proper opportunities, to continue his studies till reaching the
minimum 10th Standard. So they have devised the ambitious plan of Open
Schooling, for such desperate Students and encourage them to join 10th
Standard, study the Subjects prescribed under Central Board of Secondary
Education, appear for Exam and pass the Course.
To make studying still easier for those, who are desirous of
finishing their Final School Courses, and yet secured employment elsewhere, to
earn their livelihood. Even these persons are offered
Open SchoolAdmission and are permitted to study at home, through Correspondence Course.
This facility enables these persons to earn and, at the same
time, a study in 10th Standard and go up in life after passing the Course.
These persons will be delighted that they got the opportunity to study at
School, which was denied to them earlier. This feeling will motivate them to
consider the Lessons well so that the rare chance obtained should never be
By making use of Open School 10th Admission, many persons
have fulfilled their objectives in life. They are thankful for this rare
opportunity as “God Given.”
Another Important Links for Open School Admission
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10th Admission Open School ###